My Eyes!
Over the course of development for this game, I've been using basic visuals while I focus on core gameplay mechanics. As the game evolves technically, I feel it's time to upgrade the visuals for a change and have a little fun. Also because I'm tired of looking at the same green screen everytime I test the game.
The first additions I wanted to make were proper menu screens. This included a main menu, options menu, and pause menu while ingame. A quick tutorial search taught me how to add and manage buttons within my scenes. Within no time I had a few menus up and working.
It was fairly simple to setup, especially with the code that was driving the menus. All I had to do was add buttons and hook up their signals upon being pressed.
Assets Galore
I went back to to find some more free assets. And while I was browsing I found a sweet pixel art mountain backdrop. I replaced the main menu backdrop with this instead. I also found a forest background so I replaced the ingame backdrop with that too.
Extra Flair
Just for fun, I wanted to have an intro fade in first instead of the main menu. I found a short video that explained how to fade an image in & out using the AnimationPlayer node.
What's Next?
Before I attempt to add a new feature, I'm going to make a master to do list. I need to organize the features I want to implement, features I need to change/fix, bugs, and so on. Just to make it easier for myself, and stay focused on the next task. Overall I'm very happy with how far I've gotten, and its been an absolute blast to make. With each new addition, publishing this game isnt such a far fetched dream anymore.
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