Devlog #13

Rounding The Edges

Posted December 27, 2023

In Retrospect

First of all, happy holidays to all who read this! As we approach the New Year, I'm reflecting on how much progress I've made so far. I've learned an incredible amount about what it takes to make a game, and harness the power of a game engine.

It's an interesting feeling getting my cousins to playtest various builds of my game on my phone. Playing something that did not exist 4 months ago, willed into existence just because I felt like making a game. With each Devlog I post, and each new feature I create, it all keeps reinforcing my love to create. I look forward to what 2024 holds for myself and the future of this side project.

Anyways, here is Devlog #13.

New Additions & Changes

At this point in these Devlogs, they will most likely start becoming shorter and more to the point. I feel I set a strong foundation for my process and how I've arrived to the position I'm in now. With that being said, here is a brief rundown of the new additions and changes in this build.

  • Misc bug fixes
  • Adjusted range indicator to be thicker & easier to see
  • Upgrade balancing
  • Additional Volume Sliders
  • Game over screen
  • Tinkering with better UI
  • Player stats
  • Basic save system

Here are some visuals for these new additions.

Save System

I've begun experimenting with saving the players stats. Initially I was looking into saving the players setting preferences, but realized I could start saving some stats in a config file. For the time being, I was able to save and load how much money the player has spent, as well as enemies slain. Each time the game is launched, a load function is called to read any data if the save config exists. Otherwise, if there is not an already existing save config, one will be made and save data periodically throughout playing the game.

The Future

For the moment, I'm going to spend some time trying to fix any game breaking bugs, and then tackle enemy HP and damage scaling as the waves go on. Once I have a very solid foundation, then I will begin adding new content, like new enemies, potentially new weapons, and polishing already existing systems and visuals.

Farewell 2023, Welcome 2024

The next Devlog I post will be in 2024, so this marks Devlog #13 as the last Devlog of 2023. If you have made it this far, I want to sincerely thank you for taking any amount of time to read even just one Devlog. I came into this expecting nobody to ever read any of these, so if you have, thank you.

Until the next Devlog, Happy New Year! 🥳

Next Devlog: #14 ›