Since I started working on this project, I've been able to make progress every day. One day it's adding a new feature entirely, the next is optimizing it or finding a better solution. But overall, I'm pleased with my progress so far. And I've been learning a lot about Godot and game development.
Continuing From Devlog #4
Last I left off in devlog #4, I had just figured out how to spawn enemies using a path. Since I had the template for an enemy, I replicated it to simulate unique enemies. Skulls will spawn from the left, and Hands will spawn from the right. Each will begin traveling in a direction, and their movement code will drive them forward.
The next feature I wanted to add was a health system. And as you can see in the gif above, there is also a health bar and health counter. I achieved this by using groups and hit detection.
The skull enemy is grouped as enemy_one. When anything enters the tower's collision shape, it checks what group the intruder is in. In this function, I also subtract 5 points of damage from the tower's health.
Spawn Points
I now had three main features completed. Enemies were spawning, the collision was working, and health was being detected correctly. The next feature I wanted to implement was an enemy spawning system. Thankfully I was able to find a tutorial on enemy spawning using marker points.
After following the tutorial, and tinkering with it, I managed to get it working. I also made a few more enemies to show that all spawn points were working.
With this new feature, I can have multiple enemies loaded into a list to be randomly chosen from. This will add some randomness to the spawning, so it seems less redundant. Also, in the same fashion as randomly choosing an enemy, a random spawn point is chosen.
My sights were now set implementing the next feature: enemy homing.
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