Software Engineering II
Learning Management System
- Type of project: Web design
- Project date: February 2022 – May 2022
- My Role Project Manager Programmer
- Languages & Software
My team used Trello & GitHub to keep track of progress and code.
We also used a Bootstrap template for the visuals, everything else was written by the team.
Details - Project Prompt
Design a Learning Management System for teachers and students, including a database to store all data.
Initially we were tasked with developing several other features, but due to time constraints the professor only required a few features instead.
Features Implemented:
- Register a new account
- Must use an .edu email
- Minimum 8 character password
- Username that is not taken
- Login with a registered account
- Securely login with said account
- Create & edit a class roster
- Add/Remove a student
- Pashword Hashing
Student Features
- View a class you are in
Teacher Features
- Create a new class
- Edit class roster